Group > Marvelous Mind Coaching

MMC – Logo Design

Image Date

April 1st, 2024

Project Description

Logo design for a friend of mind, Marvelous Mind Coaching. She knew roughly what she was looking for, but had a hard time landing on just the right use of space. She also had a r... Read More

Fabric Design


October 1st, 2013

Project Description

After spending several years seeing what fabrics were popular with the customer of Pink Castle Fabrics, we started noticing some common trends – low volume prints, text prints, coordinating (but not ... Read More

PCF Website

Launch Date

March 1st, 2011

Project Description

Pink Castle Fabrics began as a small Etsy shop in 2011, but quickly outgrew Etsy’s limitations (and fees!). The website was first built on Magento, and later rebuilt using S... Read More

Graphic Design

Image Date

January 1st, 2000

Project Description

"Take the logo from an existing business, and create an entire logo package for them". I repeated the design everywhere, but the logo itself would never print particularly well. As much as I hate the original, as a business owner, it's much more vers... Read More

“Initials” Variations

Image Date

November 2nd, 1999

Project Description

The assignment was to create a design using our logos, and to see how many of these we could create. I think I've probably made at least 25 of these, but these are all I can seem to find today. If I come across more, I'll definitely update this en... Read More

Commercial Art

Image Date

December 1st, 1998

Project Description

My senior year of high school, I took a vocational commercial art class; it ran 3 periods long, and allowed us to work on larger projects throughout the year. We covered a lot of concepts (negative space, shape, graphic design layout), and the course... Read More