July 15th, 2024
I’ve been keeping up with the marker renderings, loosely, for about a year now. Mostly it’s just been doodles to work off stress, but every once in a while I throw another life drawing into the mix, and I’m usually pretty impress... Read More
October 25th, 2023
I was playing around one day with using thick lines as shapes, and playing around with the ways they interacted. Eventually I came up with one that I liked, and decided to run with it. The result was easy to draw, easy to replicate, and the more time... Read More
June 1st, 2023
Recently I went through and scanned a bunch of artwork I did in college, and looked at what I enjoyed the most, what looked the best, and what I'd like to see more of. Then later, I was at a ComicCon and saw some really awesome pen/ink sketches, and ... Read More
February 1st, 2001
An unfinished project I worked on; "What REALLY causes a toddler's table to become so messy...". It was a cute idea, but I don't think I had time to finish it, sadly.... Read More
January 1st, 2001
A few projects that required storyboards. Since animations take so long to create, planning out the flow of the story is one of the most important steps, so we spent a lot of time planning out the scenes. Some of these projects were built, some we... Read More
February 1st, 2000
I don't recall this assignment; most of my life drawing classes used pencil/paper, sometimes colored pencil to capture lighting. I'm assuming the goal here was just to capture the binary "what is in shadow; what is in light?". Most of the drawings sh... Read More
January 1st, 2000
"Take the logo from an existing business, and create an entire logo package for them". I repeated the design everywhere, but the logo itself would never print particularly well. As much as I hate the original, as a business owner, it's much more vers... Read More
November 2nd, 1999
The assignment was to create a design using our logos, and to see how many of these we could create. I think I've probably made at least 25 of these, but these are all I can seem to find today. If I come across more, I'll definitely update this en... Read More
November 1st, 1999
Early Art School class where I studied shading, design, layout. We had a few assignments where we'd sketch something, then come back later and shade it. Both halves of the assignment were graded. I feel like this was a good exercise and helped me bre... Read More