Creative > Marker Updates

Marker Updates

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Project Date

July 15th, 2024

Project Description

I’ve been keeping up with the marker renderings, loosely, for about a year now. Mostly it’s just been doodles to work off stress, but every once in a while I throw another life drawing into the mix, and I’m usually pretty impressed with the results.

I’ve learned a lot about shading techniques, how to plan a sketch, how much ink to use (More; ALWAYS more ink…), have played around with colored pencils for shading and highlights, and even translated a few of the skills into tablet studies.

While I still hope to put these to use for something more “real” (like a game or something), I’m really enjoying the freedom and relaxation it gives me. It helps to keep my development projects more focused, and helps in all different areas. Plus, it’s been fun to see my skills growing over time, as I flip through the pages of my sketchbook.